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Friday, June 5, 2009

Men Vs Women

Pros of being a woman
1. Better legs.
2. After divorce, we hold up better.
3. Women can get away with crying.
4. Much more interesting clothing and accessory options.
5. Women can multi-task.
6. Higher pain thresholds.
Pros of being a man
1. Men can urinate anywhere they like.
2. Men's bodies don't give them weird mood swings.
3. Men generally get more social respect, and people often think them to be more intelligent than they really are.
4. Uncomplicated friendships.
Cons of being a woman
1. Getting paid 20 per cent less than men on average to do the same job.
2. Expectation that they'll be manicured, primped and preened to a high degree at all times.
3. Menstruation.
4. Child birth.
5. When men gossip it's "networking", when women talk it's "bitching".
6. Pressure to have children thanks to a ticking biological clock.
Cons of being a man
1. Facial hair and its constant upkeep.
2. Expected to be manly. Those who are not spend their lives apologising for it.
3. Getting "man flu".
4. Not allowed to enjoy romantic comedies.
5. Men are expected to make the first move on dates, propose to their partners, make all the big decisions.
6. Not as socially accepted to get plastic surgery so often stuck with the hand you've been dealt.
7. Lower pain thresholds. (ANI)

note:- M just trying to merge all religion together on one platform, so that people can know about other religion as well. if i do something wrong or write something wrong please forgive me and help me to correct that by your kind support and comment.

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